
three drum dryer adjustment and commissioning

1 drive roller mounting
a, two drive roller parallel to the axis
b, prop shaft and the transmission input shaft Screw Conveyor tolerance of not more than 0.2mm
7. Installation of the sealing device
Seal means the distance from the end face of the cylinder should be able to change the root user can dig the factory configuration of the actual situation and the stove to determine the specific binding site.
2. Install the dust cover, dust, improve transportation equipment.
3. Various aspects of adjustment after passing secondary grouting.
4. Empty load test machine
a, empty load test machine no less than eight hours, and do the following checks
b, each transmission parts without loosening, with or without shock and abnormal noise.
c, motor load must not exceed 20% of rated power, concrete batching plant shall not exceed 30 ℃
d, Simplified longitudinal string without moving or drastic swing back and forth
e, the lubrication points of lubrication and sealing is good, one bearing temperature rise does not exceed 30 ℃
f, round belt and roller contact surface length not less than 70% of the work wide
g, sealed at both ends if the unit collision and detachment phenomena
h, check whether the operation of the bearing irregularities
When the load test machine after passing the test machine can carry the load, the load test machine in this order: a cylinder in operation in the first pass
Hot air, and gradually so as to reach operating temperature, and while adding a small amount of material until it reaches the normal load. In
Under normal operation up to eight hours in line, repeat the inspection requirements, determine accurate only after put into operation.

