
The traditional clay brick

If the traditional clay brick continue digging and unrestricted use, will make substantial damage to our country's arable land resources, environmental degradation exacerbated. Therefore, unburned behind Mianshaozhuanji industry has become an indispensable member of the building materials industry. At present, the Chinese market Cement silo production companies, factories abound, however, different brick quality and quality vary, so you want to choose more and more involved in the industry through the industry to get rich at the same time consumers scratching their heads. As for the market does not understand as well as free brick machine for quality unknown, cement mixing machine target consumers is difficult to make an excellent choice. However, in recent years, in many Mianshaozhuanji manufacturer, has been in the pilot's position. As the industry Mianshaozhuanji professional production enterprises, with a good reputation and excellent mechanical properties brick by consumers, but also won the broad consumer market.

