
Brick lead a new era

With China's rapid development of high-rise construction industry, the market for cement, building materials and other raw materials demand is gradually increasing, can foresee the future of China's building materials market will usher in a period of prosperity. Asphalt Mixing Plant,  as a large amount of supplies in the industry, the construction industry has been the primary source of environmental pollution, but also in the construction process of rapid development, the left behind a large number of construction waste, not only takes up valuable land resources, but also destroyed the the healthy development of the ecological environment, and even threaten people's lives. Therefore, people have been looking for a will reduce the consumption of resources but also reduce the impact on the environment, but also to ensure project quality, cost and effectiveness of new building materials.
Green building industry to promote the rise of China's cement brick industry, technology improvement Correspondingly, the use of energy saving cement brick as a raw material production equipment, but also concrete mixing machine the development of the green building industry. Extensive use of low-carbon brick, in line with the trend of contemporary society concept, both to meet the energy saving and green construction requirements, but also effectively promote the technological innovation of enterprises cement brick, thus narrowing the gap between the level of foreign improve their predecessors, and promote construction industry to green-oriented direction.

