
mixing two practical

Practical real-time data management system to save mixing station production data. With a strong combination of queries and a variety of report output, automatic printing delivery notes.
Practical Slump Slump practical monitoring system monitoring system according to the displayed mixer current curve, Cement silo  can visually determine the slump of concrete.
Intermittent structural characteristics of cement concrete mixing station
Silo bottom discharge opening large warehouse is not expected to bagging (silos without vibrator), cutting speed, feed less time to produce a car once feeding concrete cylinder movement frequency, long service life.
Silo feeding bucket to measure how much of the ingredients does not affect accuracy.
Ingredients time and rise time into one silo to the weighing hopper feeding time is short, batching time and enhance long time. Sufficient stability so that the sensor response time, small overshoot ingredients, improve load is small.
Strong pull belt speed using a computer, concrete block machine  control, soft start and stop, the impact is small, less belt sticky material. Various aggregates in the base of the fixed period of time, mixing, to enhance the load evenly.
Using inverter, in a relatively short period of time to achieve high accuracy ingredients.

mixing station five high

System configuration in accordance with user requirements of high matching host internationally renowned brands, but also imports of selected key pieces of domestic assembly mixer.
Ingredients to achieve high precision inverter technology with the coarse and fine material. To achieve the required Screw Conveyor crude with 90-95% fine with the ingredients to achieve better than 0.5% accuracy.
High reliability components such action cylinder operation frequency is low, but also because of gear with inverter control while avoiding the impact of hard start, concrete batching plant and high reliability.
Guarantee high productivity
Cost-effective floor with a stirring performance, and cost only mixing 1/3 to 1/2.

intermittent mixing station system consists of

1, the mixing system is multi-dimensional foreign key components assembled twin-shaft mixer, users can also specify other foreign mixer.
2, the metering system Aggregate Measurement: Concrete mixing plant using incremental method, improved use of electronic weighbridges Reduction Act metering; powder measure: mixers located above the cement and fly ash weighing hopper metering, mixing station with a standard AC contactor control of the jack screw, no fine dispensing device; improved mixing with the drive to achieve the ingredients coarse, fine with. Water metering: the use of three-point suspension weighing mechanism, with a thick, fine with loops and other devices to ensure measurement accuracy. Admixture measurement: the use of sensor payloads directly with coarse, fine with loops and metering boxes, piping individually furnished, to ensure accurate measurement.
3, the dust removal system to establish an independent centralized dust mixing station for centralized processing, dust removal effect, and to avoid the negative impact of the powder mixer cavity to form measurement accuracy. Aggregate Aggregate feeding system uses a belt feeding elevated to the reservoir bucket. With a compact, high reliability, concrete mixing machine characteristics.
4, automatic control system uses a distributed computer system, centralized management, with reliability.
Improved concrete mixing station technical advantages: five sophomore practical.

mixing plant advantage

1 large output, high efficiency: Continuous steady work, continuous mixing plant single high yield.
2, stir: the mixture into the mixer for the uniform material, the mixture was stirred in the mixer for the mixing process and the hydration process, thus stirring time can be shortened.
3, does not leak slurry, wear: Concrete mixer feed end of dry material mixing and two shaft increases there are anti-helix. So there is no leakage of plasma problems. Mixers for wear-resistant material requirements are not high.
4, low failure: continuous mixing plant start and concrete mixing machine of all devices is only 1/7-1/3 gap-type mixing station, so the device long life, low probability of failure.

mixing station composed of five systems

Aggregate System: Includes three feeding sand bucket (according to different requirements may be two or four), respectively, for the measurement of gravel feed. Each sand bucket from the collection hopper, weighing sensors, gear, feeding belts and ancillary equipment and other components.
Powder system: storage silos, silos butterfly to enhance helix, measuring positions, disc feeders and other parts. Powder silos including the main warehouse and deputy positions, a single volume 100T-300T.Bolted Type Cement Silo secondary positions are positions with automatic broken arch, level signal indicating devices. Powder silos also with dust removal system.
Water and Admixture Systems: the additive tank, tank (or tanks), pumping stations, water and admixtures weigh hopper and piping components.
Transmission - mixing - Storage system: belt conveyor, mixers and blenders shelf components. Sand and gravel from the batching machine is concrete block machine the belt into the mixer. Fly ash, cement positions on the disc through the metering feeder and aggregates screw directly into the mixer.
Low-voltage electrical and automation systems include: power cabinets, sensors and control center and other three parts.

mixing characteristics

Host smooth: Asphalt Mixing Plant a relatively long time even into the mixer. No intermittent bursts feeding process.
 the finished product into the car stable: concrete evenly over a longer period of time into the car, no intermittent burst discharge process.
small footprint: reducing the large finished bucket and aggregates storage bucket, low profile, small footprint.
 wear parts wear low: no impact steady stirring cement mixing machine.
 Low energy consumption: installed power is small, while stirring the less, even a small amount of raw materials into the mixer and mixed easily.
 Use and maintenance costs low: structural part of a small, belt short, smooth.

mixing process

On the market are mostly intermittent mixing station projects. The process is: first with no better than production capacity mixer mixing of raw materials, and then put into the mixer at. Stir well before dumping into the truck.
First, the process
A) the commencement Concrete Mixing Truck of raw materials according to their distance from the mixer imported ingredients evenly in order to start the process, synchronous arrival mix the brim;
2) the expected proportion of imports into the mixer evenly;
3) swing mixer while stirring material to move forward, begin mixing material from the inlet / outlet that is advancing to become the finished product.
4) the amount of production to pre-set square, steel cement silo imported by order of distance from the mixer stops.
5) from the start to the end of production manufacturing, ingredients, mixing / propulsion, the material is carried out continuously.


mixing station with

1, sidewalk driving speed: 24 km / h to 24 km round-trip transportation distance calculation example.
2, concrete mixer truck loading time: HZS120 Machine 1/6 hours / car, HZS90 machine 7/30 / hour.
3, concrete mixer truck unloading time: 5 minutes.
4, each completed a vehicle steel cement silo  HZS120 machine needs 1.25 hours, HZS90 machine needs 1.32 hours.
5,6 hours can deliver car number: HZS120 machine 6 × 1/1.25 ≈ 5 (car), HZS90 machine 6 × 1/1.32 ≈ 4 (cars).
6,6 hours to complete watering concrete beam 320 m, the number of necessary transportation vehicles: 320 × 1/6.5 ≈ 50 (car).
7, concrete mixer truck with sidewalk transportation should be considered as leave some empty rate. HZS120 mixer stand, host a capacity of 1.5 m, suitable Concrete mixing plant with 9 m in order to install four material. Transport distance is about 12KM, 6 hours to complete watering concrete beam 320 m, with 10 to 11 should be concrete mixer truck.
8, HZS90 mixer station hosts a capacity of 1.5 m, should be equipped with 8 m concrete mixer truck for loading 5 material. HZS90 + HZS120 stand mixer, preferably with 8 m concrete mixer truck for loading 4 material. Transport distance 12KM, 6 hours to complete watering concrete beam 320 m, should be equipped with 13 to 14 units concrete mixer truck.

Choose the most suitable for your model

Preparation choose; Under normal circumstances, manufacturers have a mature product formulation, such as size, quantity, variety and so on. You may be made when ordering the product to your specific requirements. We will do our best to meet your requirements. Asphalt Mixing Plant purchasing products Tandaqiuquan, this will not cause unnecessary economic waste. Also in addition to reference when purchasing products from different manufacturers other than price, particular attention should be prepared list of different manufacturers. In addition to the above specifications, cement mixing machine and quantity, the most important thing is supporting parts manufacturers. Integrated over one by one, you can always choose the most suitable for your model. Do not pursue in selecting the best model, but should pursue the most appropriate and meet your needs, because this choice is the most economical and effective.

Maintenance mixing station

When the site inaccessible, maintenance personnel need to spend a lot of time and out of the site, the best choice with the same smaller size of the two aircraft stations, or prepare enough spare parts to ensure the smooth construction progress.
Screw Conveyor construction to a more decentralized, but not too far distance between the site, concrete mixer truck transporting a radius of not more than half an hour, dump trucks transporting no more than 10 minutes. Best use of multi No. concentrated agitation to improve the utilization of mixing station and construction cost.
Operating personnel quality; Generally, concrete block making machine structure is relatively simple, the control system is also relatively simple, so the operation and maintenance personnel requirements are lower. While the larger station complex structure, high degree of automation, so the operator's requirements are also higher. So when you buy in addition to considering mixing station in front of several factors, should consider this factor.

purchase points mixing station

Construction of concrete performance label; thus to choose what kind of mixing console. If you must use force hydraulic mixing console. In addition, also according to the type of material can be mixed concrete batching stations and silos optional.
Concrete Mixing Truck concrete tasks quantity and duration; Use this parameter to select the two specifications with much mixing station. The total volume of concrete task set M; concrete pouring days for T; daily working hours is H; utilization factor of K, the specification should be used mixing station X = M / (T * H * K), where K is a 0.7- 0.9. Should also be considered in the selection of the finished concrete transport situation. Such as: direct pumping or transport vehicle. The volume transport vehicle is an important decision Batching basis.
Construction environment and construction objects; choose to buy concrete mixing station, construction of objects, concrete mixing machine consider the environmental impact of construction to ensure the smooth construction and construction quality. In the following cases we recommend that you prepared.
When the site needs a large amount of disposable casting, high quality requirements, and no reinforcements near the mixing station, the best choice of two specifications smaller mixing station, or choose a main one of the two aircraft preparation.

Mixing Station Specification

The standard size is mixing theory of its hourly production to name China's current common specifications: HZS25, HZS35, HZS50, HZS60, HZS75, HZS90, HZS120, HZS150, HZS180, HZS240 so on. Such as: HZS25 refers to a production capacity of 25 cubic meters per hour of mixing station, the host for the twin-shaft compulsory mixer. Concrete mixing plant with a single horizontal-axis model HZD25.
Mixing station can be divided into single station and double station, by definition, every single station that has a mixing console mixing station, two stations with two mixing console, steel cement silo to a mixing console spout, so double mixing station is a stand-alone mixing plant production capacity of 2 times, dual mixing station naming is 2HZS **, such 2HZS25 refers to mixing capacity is 2 * 25 = 50 m3 / h dual mixing station.

mixing plant performance

Concrete mixing station with good mixing performance, the device uses spiral twin-shaft compulsory mixer, the mixer can be strong not only for dry hard, plastic and various proportions of concrete were able to achieve good mixing effect. Stir and high efficiency.
Concrete mixing station only has excellent mixing console, but also have a variety of sophisticated accessories, such as screw conveyor, measuring sensors, pneumatic components, these components to ensure the concrete mixing standing high reliability during operation, and the precise measurement of skills, and long life. Cement silo concrete mixing plant parts are equipped with various maintenance or inspection ladder to go Taiwan, and has enough room to maneuver, mixing console can be equipped with high-pressure automatic cleaning system, with functions starvation and over-temperature alarm function, easy maintenance of equipment.
Concrete mixing station has a good environmental performance, the machine during operation, the powder manipulating the system are concrete batching plant in the whole block, pink tank with efficient dust collector / fog blowing methods greatly reduce dust pollution of the environment, while concrete mixer station and unloading equipment pneumatic systems are used exhaust silencer effectively reduce noise pollution.


concrete mixing station management

1, mixing station staff must be trained in pre-service, can be trained to master the mixer performance, serious and responsible work; 2, mixing station staff are technically under the guidance of the laboratory work, shall be required in accordance with the laboratory to do, and to actively cooperate with the laboratory work, a good grasp of raw materials entering the hurdle: the approach of all the sand, stone frequency self-test chamber in addition, each mixing station Screw Conveyor each car rewinding gravel material in the visual approach is abnormal, the laboratory must be notified to come and after laboratory confirmation consent before unloading, to eliminate substandard aggregate approach; 3, concrete mixing former staff first check whether Yuncheng normal blender to confirm normal operation can be carried out after the concrete mixing; 4, concrete mixing and staff must be strictly in accordance with the laboratory provides concrete construction for mixing ingredients alone, not free to change, if found, the first time for persuasion and education, and the second for a fine deal, the third clear mixing station; 5, with the ratio adjustment, concrete mixing process due to material concrete block making machine.  Mix needs to be adjusted, the staff should be timely notified laboratory, laboratory personnel according to the actual situation with the ratio adjustments. Mixing station staff mix has no right to be adjusted if it is found to be severely dealt with;
??26 different grades of concrete, cement used is not the same species, should be separated from mixing. Replacing the same mixing machine mixing ratio must be empty hopper, cleaning blenders, personnel replaced by the test can be carried out with the mixing ratio.

concrete mix control

1, Engineering Department estimated at nearly two days on a brief meeting daily amount of concrete to ensure a continuous supply of cement. 2, two hours before the official for concrete, engineering and mixing station again to determine the amount for concrete grade and square. Half an hour before the opening, notification by the Concrete Mixing Truck,  and the opening card to mixing station. Once the two sides confirmed engineering time, mixing station and proper arrangements required by beam field equipment and vehicles shall be maintained for production. 3, and finally after a process of construction, quality control engineers acceptance, fill opening and signed certificate signed by test personnel → → → Engineering Department handed mixing station after the signing of team leader. Open Content license shall state: material units, concrete grade, the names, the use of parts, quantities and with concrete time. 4, mixing station team leader with the concrete mixing station truck driver scheduling contact, master site infusion schedule, in order to avoid supply is not timely or vehicle backlog concrete solidification. Finally a car side volume adjustment according to the situation, to prevent waste. 5, mixing station must be filed in triplicate concrete made of materials, must be filled concrete level, the project name, station or location, quantity, unit of time and the use of concrete issue. Appearance when mixing station duty officer signed by the concrete transport vehicle drivers to use onboard, steel cement silo by the consumer recognition. Consumers need to retain a joint. 6, concrete sends the material distributed throughout the day every day should be a single material concrete construction site summary report of supplies departments to ensure proper requisition content writing and signed complete. 7, in order to ensure the quality of concrete, on sand, stone, cement must be strictly controlled, laboratory investigations required to be seized materials, good records and found unqualified, immediately stop feeding, and promptly identify the cause.

mixing plant material transportation and storage

1, aggregates (1) used in concrete aggregates, while the transport or storage sites, it is not contaminated. (2) aggregates of different sizes should be delivered to the site and stored in different materials separate from each other heap. (3) Concrete mixer horizontal layers stacked pile should avoid aggregate segregation occurs. If there is segregation of aggregates, you must re-mixing in order to meet the required grading requirements. 2, cement (1) cement during transport to a waterproof tarpaulin or other effective waterproof cover to cover. Bulk cement transport vehicles hopper and tube positions should remain different types of low-level concrete or any steel cement silo. (2) Cement should be stored in sufficient quantities to meet the needs of concrete pouring. Any time not because of the suspension of pouring cement supply disruptions. (3) Bulk cement should be in a dedicated warehouse tank storage is. (4) as soon as possible after the arrival of the cement used, should be used as a loose fluid and without caking.

mixing station plant site management

① stockyard venues and carriageways must be ground treatment and surface hardening, and meet the requirements of heavy vehicles; site should drainage facilities, drainage flow, no significant accumulation of water or crater phenomena. Site field view. ② Concrete mixer gravel must implement partitioning storage, press the "zone to be seized" and "qualified area" respectively, and each region of different varieties and specifications shall be separated by the wall, and set aside the necessary or wash or screening facilities. Site field view. ③ "qualified area" sand, gravel should be used for shielding protective scaffolding firm, to shade, rain, dust and other purposes, and to set aside or summer cooling measures to ensure the concrete temperature to meet the requirements. Site field view. ④ used in cement, fly ash should be properly safeguarded to prevent moisture, deterioration. Field view. ⑤ variety of raw materials should be ISO9000 standard requirements for product identification, so that identifies the content is complete, eye-catching and norms. Site field view. ⑥ concrete admixture homogeneity tests. Concrete mixing plant "concrete admixture homogeneity test methods" GB/T8077-2000, the results meet the engineering requirements. See test reports and records. ⑦ trial mix concrete. For examination must be carried out in the trial mix concrete at next station and the formation of supervising engineers record and signed off. Live View test reports and records. ⑧ production capacity. Device configuration and production capacity to meet the supply pipe engineering. And pipe engineering, duration, etc. were analyzed.

Acceptance inspection items

(A) organization and personnel organization set reasonable and clear division of labor; configuration testing agencies and professionals; concrete mixing operations staff, special types of certificates and test personnel should be, other personnel should Cement silo in any relevant training and learning. Field control personnel check documents and identity cards, check training records and test scores, job evaluation documents or checks. (2) equipment meet the project requirements, all through the test. Live view documents and physical label. (3) mixing station working rules and concrete batching plant.  Should at least establish the following rules and regulations, and to achieve clear, comprehensive, approach the process correctly, accountability, operational, approved by the responsible person. (4) on-site management.

mixing plant work rules

Should at least establish the following rules and regulations, and to achieve clear, comprehensive, approach the process correctly, accountability, operational, approved by the responsible person. ① Organization and Management Organization Chart. Bolted Type Cement Silo and written on the wall graphic. ② work procedures and quality management. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. ③ personal responsibility. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. ④ equipment operating procedures, maintenance and management. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. ⑤ equipment metrological verification, calibration and management. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. ⑥ mixing plant safety, health, environmental management system. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. ⑦ documentation management system. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. ⑧ relevant standards, norms, procedures, methods, and other technical documents are complete. Spot checks and in-kind directory list. ⑨ concrete mix control and management system. On-site inspection and cement mixing machine the wall graphic. ⑩ concrete production, transportation and dispatch management system. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic. ⑾ raw material quality control measures. On-site inspection and written on the wall graphic.

mixing station construction and acceptance

1 mixing station construction is completed, after passing all the equipment calibration submit concrete mixing station enabled applications for concrete mixing station to enable submission of copies in quadruplicate, the project materials submitted by the engineering department responsible for auditing the headquarters, while the Asphalt Mixing Plant will organize relevant departments to carry out the preliminary acceptance mixing station after acceptance in accordance with the program submitted by the headquarters. (2) submit material items (1) Application Form (see Annex 2). (2) mixing station personnel qualification certificates. Field control personnel check documents and identity cards. (3) Equipment calibration certificate. Live view documents and field labels. (4) concrete admixture cement mixing machine.  Live View test reports and records. (5) implementation of the standards, practices, procedures and management of the list of documents. Live View inventory and in-kind. The certificate when submitting application materials can be photocopied or scanned copies, the original shall be submitted on-site review.

mixing station management letter

1, in order to ensure the quality of concrete mix, the Wheel Loader passenger line Guizhou section of each section of concrete mixing station must follow company information required to set the screen monitoring system. 2, the Shanghai-Kunming passenger steel cement silo section of each section will need to install concrete mixing stations are mixing station management information system, according to the specified application and acceptance are not allowed to install and use.


Mixing station data management

1, put into use before mixing station should be set up, installation, commissioning, acceptance relevant information. 2, steel cement silo management system and the preparation of job responsibilities, the formation of mixing station management organization and safety, quality and environmental management
system. 3, Wheel Loader and complete the annual plan and records: work plans and records, staff training programs and records, equipment inspection and self-test programs and records, equipment maintenance programs and records, equipment usage
records, and records of concrete production plans , materials and equipment purchase plans and records.

mixing station staff training

1, mixing station personnel familiar with the relevant organizations of all procedures and mixing station management system. 2, please test the relevant technical personnel concrete mixing station technical conditions, high performance concrete, concrete production technology and other knowledge required
training for all staff. 3, Bolted Type Cement Silo the process, focusing on job professional training. If the test staff to focus on training materials sampling procedures, concrete quality detection technology, a variety of test methods; concrete mixer driver focused training sequence feeding, mixing time control measures to ensure the accuracy and raw materials such as concrete mixing machine aspects of the relevant knowledge. 4, Guidelines for the preparation of the card, sent to all the jobs people. 5, to develop training programs, there are training
records, evaluation of training effectiveness.

mixing plant safety management standards

1, according to the mixing plant safety management approach, combined with site characteristics, formulate targeted the safety management system.
2, often carry out safety publicity and education activities, so that the staff truly recognize the importance of safety, necessity, and firmly establish the "safety first, prevention first" thinking, consciously obey all safety laws and
regulations . 3, Concrete mixer production staff induction training before the pre-job safety education, good job on-site management and carry out civilized construction. Regular and irregular conduct regular safety checks. 4, mixing station to be equipped with fire-fighting equipment, the development of "safe
operation code" to establish fire protection, anti-virus, security, electricity system, strengthen the safety education, safe operation of regular checks promptly eliminate hidden dangers. 5, concrete block machine to do the production of dust, sun, rust-proof, anti-pollution work, flammable, explosive, corrosive
hazardous materials and other protective measures should be isolated, designate a person for safekeeping. 6, the mixing station to have eye-catching safety signs and banners, with appropriate security safeguards.

mixing station civilized construction regulations

(1) according to site conditions and a reasonable set of wastewater sedimentation tank washing area, laid drainage system, set up expressly logo, logo production and installed in accordance with "safe and Concrete mixing plant construction project site sign" - identified 11 iron, iron identify six requirements.
(2) should be regularly watering the ground, covered shelter for dust sources. (3) Each concrete mixing operation is complete, timely cleaning equipment, cleaning up the scene, so that space tidy. (4) Construction noise generated close to residential areas should not exceed the current "Construction Site Noise Limits" (GB12523) requirements, or should be monitored. (5) should be set according to motor vehicles, equipment washing facilities, drainage ditches and settling ponds, construction of sewage treated before discharge into compliance municipal sewage pipe network or river. (6) waste generated by construction
machinery and equipment, waste oil and sewage shall directly into rivers, lakes or other waters it, nor shall be concrete mixing machine the land near the source of drinking water. (7) cement, fly ash and other materials, feed, pay attention to materials, roof sealing performance, when the dust is large, feeding should be
suspended until the processing is complete before continuing. (8) on a regular basis, someone to clean up and clean the mixing station, mixing station to maintain health.

mixing station equipment operating regulations

Concrete Mixing Truck should be installed smoothly, there is zero protection grounding, maintenance personnel into the mixing tube, cut off the power lock switch boxes, hand care; hopper mix in the hopper rises, no one working under the hopper and walking, concrete batching plant pit when the hopper chain hanging
buckle securely; hopper insurance-linked using normal; transmission parts are shielded solid operating platform.

mixing station construction provides temporary power

(1) temporary power shall prepare construction design temporary power to determine the power line, the total distribution box, distribution box location and orientation of the line for load calculation, select transformer capacity and wire cross-section, the development of safe use of electricity Technical measures and electrical fire prevention measures. By the relevant departments of audit and technical director for approval and implementation. (2) distribution room (chamber), transformers and other electrical equipment located fixed barriers or safety mesh fence, Screw Conveyor not less than 2.5m, should set clear prohibition, warning signs, signs of the production and installation should follow the "Railway safe and civilized construction project site sign "- Iron ban 5, Tiejing 1 and 16 requirements. (4) should be consistent with the existing
temporary power "construction site temporary electrical safety technical specifications" (JGJ46) requirements. Project dedicated power neutral point directly grounded 220/380V low voltage electrical systems must be used to protect access to zero TN-S system, and to do three power distribution protection
and two "one machine, one box a gate-drain." (5) Power operating personnel must be certified, according to the provisions worn properly, the use of labor protection products. (6) multi-channel distribution distribution box should be marked, distribution box should gates, locks, a water-resistant measures, steel switch box must be grounded. concrete block making machine must be complete, no damage, good performance. You must use the installation
With an electric shock protector outlet. Shock protection should be periodically tested to ensure reliable performance. Do not use copper wire, iron wire and other metal instead of fuses. Prohibited in a switch to connect multiple electrical devices.
(7) nighttime construction, mixing station shall be provided within the district to meet the safety requirements for lighting.


Changing the hydraulic oil into the oil channels

Piston end of the cylinder chamber communicates end chamber of the piston into the oil chamber, into the oil chamber as the larger, the oil supply is constant, will lead to slow piston speed, stroke frequency is reduced, thus reducing the displacement of the concrete. However, since the cross-sectional area into the oil chamber and the concrete pump cylinder Screw Conveyor area ratio increases, so concrete pumping pressure increased, ie Figure 3-14 piping connections, enabling small displacement high pressure pump.Modern piston concrete pump, in order to meet the needs, concrete mixing machine a high and low voltage conversion function. Its conversion, usually hydraulic drive change, that is to change the hydraulic oil supply means to achieve high or low pressure pumping.

Unit of time the volume of concrete transport

The calculation methods are mainly the following three: a. Energy conservation principles calculations mentioned in the given concrete pump power, the amount of concrete and concrete pumping pressure is the product of a certain value
Cement silo, necessarily much higher than the actual throughput of concrete. b. according to concrete delivery cylinder volume and piston velocity calculation conveying capacity can also be used concrete pump piston cylinder volume and calculated as the product. c. according to the amount of concrete hydraulic oil can also be calculated according to the following formula to calculate the hydraulic oil. d. concrete pump discharge amount of fuel, the engine power relations conveying capacity and engine power, concrete batching plant. concrete cylinder diameter, piston speed is proportional. Conveying capacity and pumping distance, pumping pressure is inversely proportional to the hydraulic cylinder diameter, etc.

Concrete pump trapped with constant power regulation

It is a measure of the ability of a concrete pumping integrated indicators, but also concrete pump main basis for classification.
① same power different concrete pump, its pumping capacity index identical; ② in concrete pumping pressure is constant, the amount of concrete surface increases with the increase of power; ③ In the dynamic power is fixed, with the pressure pumping concrete increases, the amount of concrete mixing machine, and vice versa.Concrete Mixing Truck trapped with constant power regulation, so concrete pump working pressure of the outlet end of pumping concrete and concrete product of the actual maximum throughput is a certain value, this value is called the pumping capacity index, denoted by M.

Pumping concrete traits

Delivery pressure (transport distance) relationship shown in Figure 3-12. When the displacement increases, the output of the pressure drop, but also reduced the distance is output; Conversely, if the displacement is reduced, the delivery pressure increases, the transmission steel cement silo. In construction machinery, most mechanical properties can be from the production plant to provide product samples or technical specifications and other data found, they are listed in performance, mostly in line with the actual use. Wheel Loader  concrete pump, production performance provided by the Antiquities China, mostly theoretical value or maximum value, a larger difference compared with the actual use of the reason, as the actual performance with its pumped medium, pumping concrete traits, use of the environment, equipment, pipeline installation and layout and the use of manipulation associated with it.

Concrete used large displacement pump

Generally used in the pump pressure of the concrete 9 ~ 13MPa, large displacement of the pump up to 15 ~ 22MPa, pushing the piston hydraulic system pressure is generally rated pressure of 1/3. Concrete mixer delivery pressure pushes the piston depends on the ability and the total resistance of the pipeline, the two also determines the size of the pump conveying distance. Ability to push the piston structure itself is determined by the prime mover. General model to determine the pump size can not be changed later. Determined by the total resistance of the pipeline has a lot of factors, such as concrete gradation has been described previously. Under normal concrete mixing machine,  the most influential design of piping, such as the transmission distance of the horizontal or vertical, the number of straight pipe, elbow, conical tubes and hoses. So be careful in the construction designs are arranged.

brick manufacture and use

Brick manufacture and use of architectural history in our country for several thousand years of history, along with the development and progress of social history, varieties of building materials, manufacturing technology is to diversify and scale rapidly. Asphalt Mixing Plant from the traditional to farmland soil is willing solid material developed for the use of fired brick clay shale, coal gangue, industrial waste and other raw materials or vapor compression molding hollow roasting a variety of brick, building brick production mode changes from artisanal workshops to semi-mechanized, automated production transition. Building brick production is dramatically increased. According to statistics, in 1949, China's output of about one billion bricks, from 1978 to 1987, 10 years, an average concrete batching plant  of the national tile production of more than 200 one hundred million, reaching 399.139 billion, into the 20th century, 90 years after tile production slowed more rapidly, until in 2000 the national brick production has reached 600 billion, of which more than 90% of solid brick.

Mianshaozhuanji low prices

Avoid burning brick professional manufacturer, Mianshaozhuanji inexpensive equipment, exquisite workmanship, reliable operation, high production efficiency. Providing customers with investment Bolted Type Cement Silo create unburned plants best suited to your investment program, to avoid unnecessary investment, save money for customers, for customers to build the most economical unburned production line.
Customers are very carefully before investing, and hard-won customers' hard-earned money, standing on the customer's perspective the sake of conscience manufacturing equipment, Mianshaozhuanji price, according to customer's design capital investment program and site conditions, full site design and guide the installation of equipment, on-site for your cement mixing machine,  training of technical staff to give technical support. Series attentive service provide customers with free, no profiteering phenomenon, so that customers can be assured.


High strength Pastes

We have to face up to see this market carefully selected manufacturers, multi-turn after reading several comparison to more detailed understanding of the production and sales of various manufacturers management. After all, a great investment in this industry, so the choice to buy machinery manufacturers and be sure to think twice, this is the best way to prevent fooled.Asphalt Mixing Plant lunch in the world. There is a good old saying "a sub-price goods." Those who take chances petty thoughts will surely make you regret it.
China has 170 cities at the end of June 2003 limited ban on the use of solid clay bricks of new wall materials - High Strength Pastes for China's national economy has opened a new way of building development and production of a semi-automatic, fully automatic, hydraulic block making machine, cement mixing machine,stationary brick, high strength multi-function mixer Mianshaozhuanji and ancillary equipment, conveyors, batching machines and other products, novel design, reliable performance, easy operation, products sold throughout the country and the international market.

Multifunctional block machine

Core component precision manufacturing, use of anti-fatigue design, extending the life of the host.
Strong exciting force, than in normal conditions with strength up to 2.5 ~ 15MPa.
Dual-oriented approach and with excellent cement mixing machine, ensuring accurate pressure head and die operation, base and key parts of the whole cast, frame made of thick steel and special welding super-technology manufacturing.
Changshu  Machinery Co., Ltd. produces block molding machine compact structure, equipment and reasonable use of mechanized equipment moving parts, accurate and reliable.Screw Conveyor intensity and improve production efficiency. Upper and lower pressure, directional vibration, frequency brake, to achieve high-density, high-strength molding effect. A multi-purpose machine, mold can be equipped with different raw multifunction block machine.

Block machine equipment features

Equipment features: rotating force Unexpectedly fast way to ensure that the load-bearing blocks, lightweight aggregate blocks, fly ash blocks of fully dense, and shorten the time unexpectedly. All electrical components, hydraulic element are used world-renowned brands. Cement silo color touch screen and PLC applications, the realization block production line automation, saving operation interval time and improve productivity. Using four-oriented approach and with excellent long indenter guide sleeve ensures precise movement and die. Body is made of super-thick steel and special welding technology, is extremely strong resistance to vibration, strong exciting force. Control system with automatic control, easy to understand. With data input and output devices. concrete block making machine,  With advanced self-diagnostic software, real-time display system status and found that failure timely alarm. Control system has a self-locking function, avoiding malfunction generation, real-time protection of clients smooth production.

Disable clay bricks

Concrete Mixing Truck departments have promulgated regulations expressly prohibit traditional clay brick 170 major cities in the country to use, and as early as 2004 years ago in the national capital city Disable All clay bricks, and increase efforts to support the production of new wall enterprises. Unburned and new compared to traditional brick in compressive strength, stiffness, energy saving aspects of the wide gap, and unburned in appearance and practicality advantages, unlike the red brick walls, like when need to soak, concrete mixing machine.  Thus, the production of unburned Mianshaozhuanji already widely across the country to replace the traditional clay bricks, creating a new type of hollow brick renewal and a new revolution in the market.

Clay brick continue

 In order to protect the limited land resources for future generations to remain a blue sky, state and local government introduced a number of policies, is strictly prohibited traditional wall concrete mixing machine bricks continued use. Each one is a block building built unburned stacked, clay brick fade triggering a revolution, a revolution of hollow bricks and unburned, opportunities and challenges of a revolution, a revolution of wealth. In addition, China has abundant coal ash and other industrial waste resources, so that opened a brick-making factory, as a bright line with policy-oriented investment, but also benefits the country's wise exclusive variety Wheel Loader and exempt from tax and other concessions.

Low-carbon brick reduce the consumption of resources

 Yet all along, as a large amount of supplies in the industry, the construction industry has been the primary source of environmental pollution, but also in the Cement silo process of rapid development, the left behind a large number of construction waste, not only takes up valuable land resources, but also destroyed the the healthy development of the ecological environment, and even threaten people's lives. Therefore, cement mixing machine been looking for a will reduce the consumption of resources but also reduce the impact on the environment, but also to ensure project quality, cost and effectiveness of new building materials.

Extensive use of low-carbon brick

Extensive use of low-carbon brick, in line with the trend of contemporary society concept, both to meet the energy saving and green construction requirements, but also effectively promote the technological innovation of enterprises cement brick, thus narrowing the gap between the level of foreign improve their predecessors, and promote construction industry to green-oriented direction. Concrete mixing plant mining machine mobile construction waste crushing plant, effectively building waste into resources, after sorting, crushing, screening and a series of after processing, construction waste can steel cement silo into a new type of environmentally friendly building materials, such as: brick pavement , plaid brick, brick and so on. You can cycle through the processing of construction waste into a re-use of the product, saving landfill expense, protection of natural resources and the living environment, creating a considerable economic benefits.


colored pavement brick products by a colored surface coating

The traditional method for producing colored pavement tiles, generally used vibration compression molding production technology to vibration molding main products compactness, early strength are less than ideal, and thus the quality of raw materials, there is a demand gradation, cement also need to increase the dosage, stone, stone ash waste is also very limited, high production costs, is not conducive to market competition. Asphalt Mixing Plant making equipment, semi-dry high-pressure molding technology, the color brick road production technology, it should be said that an update.
Colored pavement brick products by a colored surface coating and primary material combination. Feeding into the mold twice, once by the high-pressure hydraulic brick machine composite molding, is a semi-dry process production technology, product compactness, high strength, concrete mixing machine,  stacking. The Nature Conservancy or steam can be conserved. Powder, waste rock in the products in the dosage of about 80%.

waste to produce color brick road

Using a variety of solid waste material produced color brick road, not only to the comprehensive utilization of solid waste according to local conditions, the effective protection of soil and water resources, control of environmental pollution. Also turning waste into treasure, creating a very considerable economic benefits.Bolted Type Cement Silo brick products comply with current urban and rural construction, landscaping needs. Products not only for the local roads, gardens plaza, enterprises, schools, residential areas, parking lots and other environments such as landscaping, but also take advantage of the cheap products, competitive market surrounding area. The traditional method for producing colored pavement tiles, generally used vibration compression molding production technology to vibration molding main products compactness, early strength are less than ideal, and thus the quality of raw materials, there is a demand gradation, cement also need to cement mixing machine,  stone, stone ash waste is also very limited, high production costs, is not conducive to market competition. Hydraulic brick-making equipment, semi-dry high-pressure molding technology, the color brick road production technology, it should be said that an update.

strong permeability and gelling properties

To make stone mud regeneration, turning waste into treasure, the most critical is to solve the technical problems of its solidification, due to the cement, lime, gypsum and other cementitious materials were unable to achieve the desired curing effect. Developed a strong inorganic polymeric agent, a milky white non-toxic, odorless liquid (also produces solid), the polymerization agent has strong permeability and gelling properties and shall be mixed with cement and other cementitious materials. Screw Conveyor use of Portland cement, should not use low-grade cement or fly ash cement. Curing principle: the amount of the inorganic strong after polymerization agent diluted in water and cement, stone clay, aggregate (less than 10mm waste material particles) in the mixing process, resulting in colloidal silicate, aluminate product, and then by special hydraulic brick machine pressure, pressure forming, to complete its curing mechanism, products, good compactness, high early strength, concrete block making machine  stacking. Compressive strength of up to 400 # around (40MPa), products of weathering, water stability, frost resistance melting and other technical indicators are in line with national standards. It is worth noting that the strength of the latter products, the performance as the polymerization agent and constantly growing.

Lime sludge waste to treasure

With China's rapid economic steady development in urban construction, environmental waste, they also generated a lot of solid waste, especially industrial waste, construction waste is staggering, has greatly endanger the human environment, this phenomenon has caused departments attach great importance, so how to effectively utilization of solid waste, so that turning waste into treasure, has become relevant scientific research units, and even the whole society a serious issue. Wheel Loader  the use of stone processing enterprises produced powder sludge production color pavement brick, standard brick and other new building materials products, technology and feasibility for a brief introduction.
Mud sludge powder known as stone, stone in the cutting process is generated during the synthesis of the powder material and the cooling water. Because of its fine particles, close texture, poor water absorption, and thus rely on traditional cement and other cementitious materials can not cure it, not to mention the use of cement production of new building materials. For a long time only allowed to flooding. Recent years, with the rapid development of stone industry, stone mud emissions are increasing, over time, concrete mixing machine a business, a heavy burden on society. Invested heavily in rented farmland in landfills or any of its stacked into rivers, sea and other methods, is bound to destroy farmland, polluted water is also interest in the meter, not solve the fundamental problem, how to effectively utilization powder sludge turning waste into treasure, should be the only practical way.

Mianshaozhuanji in the decades of the development process

Production industry as a necessity, Mianshaozhuanji for decades in the development process, has always insisted on keeping up with market demand, as demand changes constantly evolving. Concrete Mixing Truck the service is very important to keep track of the quality of finished brick attention, pay attention to product development in the enterprise constantly overcoming equipment in the actual process of applying various problems, so not only can make the device easier to operate, but also to the greatest extent let the device under the premise of reducing labor intensity, steel cement silo efficiency, thus saving the cost of using the device for consumers, while bringing more economic benefits. Mianshaozhuanji in its development over the years as well as the future development, will continue to meet market demand and consumer demand reasonable combined.

focus on Mianshaozhuanji

 There are many companies on the market today will focus on the production Mianshaozhuanji, hollow brick, aerated block, brick machine, hydraulic press, brick machine, etc.,Concrete mixer machines to produce the product will be used as the main building material widely used in various industries. As a professional brick machinery manufacturer, after a year-long promotion Mianshaozhuanji customers to use, and performance feedback makes a lot of target customers for its quality and the production of bricks quality is assured. Meanwhile, Mianshaozhuanji able to produce 40,000 within eight hours or so brick, and its production is about twice as concrete mixing machine.  Mianshaozhuanji consumers as not only won the favorite in its sales process also improves the visibility, so that more consumers recognize the brand and the product.

The traditional clay brick

If the traditional clay brick continue digging and unrestricted use, will make substantial damage to our country's arable land resources, environmental degradation exacerbated. Therefore, unburned behind Mianshaozhuanji industry has become an indispensable member of the building materials industry. At present, the Chinese market Cement silo production companies, factories abound, however, different brick quality and quality vary, so you want to choose more and more involved in the industry through the industry to get rich at the same time consumers scratching their heads. As for the market does not understand as well as free brick machine for quality unknown, cement mixing machine target consumers is difficult to make an excellent choice. However, in recent years, in many Mianshaozhuanji manufacturer, has been in the pilot's position. As the industry Mianshaozhuanji professional production enterprises, with a good reputation and excellent mechanical properties brick by consumers, but also won the broad consumer market.


Concrete mixing station weighing system

 Feeding system: storage hopper and feeding device, the main function is to store the material and the control system under the control of said hopper to feed.
Feeding system in the form of: PLD800-1200 type of belt conveyor feeding;
Weighing System:Concrete mixer weighing system is a critical part of the said hopper, suspension devices and sensors weighing system, batching controller and other components.
Electrical control system: electrical control system is the core component batching machine, its function is to implement the entire batching machine weighing, display, operation and complete a variety of automatic batching process. The system is mainly concrete mixing machine the dosing device and strong electrical circuit composed of two parts. Its shape structure and the use of detailed "batching controller manual."

Concrete mixing station to use more

Cylinder ingredient formula use is way down the material gravity, so the ingredients fast for medium to large mixing station, HZS50 concrete mixing station above (F) use more.
For large batching machine, such as: PL3200 or more, in order to shorten the time the ingredients should be adopted separately measured way.
Bolted Type Cement Silo machine's primary role is quantitative, accurate delivery of various materials, so long as the grain, bulk materials such as: gravel, coal, grain raw materials, slag, ceramic, etc. cement mixing machine (but every single kind of material weight distribution preferably not less than 50Kg), it is also widely used in batching machine: aerated concrete bricks, light panels and other building materials industry, coal mine construction gravel Wall ingredients, chemicals configuration.

Mixer bucket or belt conveyor upgrade

 The principle: the ingredients begin, start with a belt conveyor hopper to the set value in raw material belt is stopped, and then under the control of the control instruments, followed by configuration of several materials to all materials configured, instrumentation control will concrete mixing machine belt material into the next part (such as blenders enhance bucket or belt conveyor, etc.)
Concrete mixing plant for small and medium sized construction site, because of its smaller base materials such as sand PL800 with 500Kg, press ≤ ± 2% error count, absolute error within the 0 ~ 20Kg, so as to further improve the batching accuracy, reduce errors value without compromising the efficiency of delivery, the ingredients can be slow, fast discharge mode. Error can be controlled within the 0 ~ 5Kg.

Batching machine at work by the control instrument

Refers to a variety of materials were in the same weighing bucket were successively measured by the measuring instrument to set each type of material value of the order with meter, similar to the same scales, said first pound of beans in the said half a catty of rice the same.
Dosing time, the electrical control signal is issued to stop dosing instructions to the materials actually Asphalt Mixing Plant during the set value (amount in advance) and the actual value of the difference, so batching machine at work by a control instrument in the material reaches the actual value of the advance a stop signal, the signal after the fall of this part of the material called gap.
Namely: the actual number - set number = gap (this gap batching machine instrument can automatically correct)
Any measuring instruments are based on a measurement of the initial reference point measurement, concrete batching plant can be temporal scales when the zero-value point, it can be empty scale time zero data points (such as the hopper a residual material or accumulated measured the former type of material the actual value), this non-zero data points can be controlled via the instrument manually or automatically considered next measured zero (initial reference point).

Overall design of concrete mixer

First, the design of concrete mixer for selection, by comparing the final confirmation Be selected from the drop-cone reversal discharging mixer. After selection of the mixer The transmission part of the design calculations, first through the design of the mixing tube meter Operators identified stirring power, select the motor, reducer after design, which is This design is an important part in the design of the gear unit, reference materials, Wheel Loader the design of the mixer step of calculating each of the components designed reducer
, After the completion of the design of reducer, right outside of the mixing tube large open gears Design calculations, it is the difficulty of this design, because the gear ratio Large, need a good solution to this problem in order to finalize the mixer Transmission part of the design, concrete block making machine appropriate section of the drive shaft coupling Connect various devices to complete the transmission part of the design, the material on the upper portion
Of a simple design, the final synthesis of the overall unit concrete mixer

Mobile mixing station is equipped with tires

1, disassembly fast, easy to move when transitions: In addition to Screw conveyor, cement silo, the entire front end down to haul mixing station
Move; Others, such as walking platform, raised panels fold down, without removing all control cables Move. Concrete mixing plant can be removed with the station away. Xin Jian special mobile mixing station is equipped with Tires, kingpins, traffic signal devices, brakes, trailer drag Allows speeds of up to 50 km / hour. Installation: Hard to be flat Of ground level; removable with a 30 ton crane. Storage: If Device is temporarily not in use, keeping the transition state transportation transportation, with two , steel cement silo and method of operation, principles with a fixed standard mixing station (reference See HZS type concrete mixing station) 3, mobile batching plant transport all components
Unit dimensions are less than the empty container size requirements, the entire station transportation needs Three 40-foot containers.


traditional wall materials is strictly prohibited

Energy is very scarce, the per capita occupies only a quarter of the world's average, but the population continues to grow rapidly each year due to the traditional clay bricks wall destroying the 66 acres, 70 million tons of standard coal to swallow atmospheric emissions large amounts of harmful gases, serious environmental pollution.Bolted Type Cement Silo to power generation, steel and other industries emit large quantities of coal fly ash, coal gangue and other industrial waste, in addition to these residues piled up a lot of space, serious damage to the soil geology. In order to protect the limited land resources for future generations to remain a blue sky, state and local government introduced a number of policies, is strictly prohibited traditional wall materials - clay bricks continued use. Each one is a block building built unburned stacked, clay brick fade triggering a revolution, a revolution of hollow bricks and unburned, opportunities and challenges of a revolution, cement mixing machine wealth. In addition, China has abundant coal ash and other industrial waste resources, so that opened a brick-making factory, as a bright line with policy-oriented investment, but also benefits the country's wise exclusive variety The Policies and exempt from tax and other concessions.

brick equipment in the domestic market potential

Brick equipment in the domestic market potential is very large, the founder of a brick machine factory success lies in technology is not mature, brick quality of the equipment is not clearance, staff quality is not good, whether the various national requirements standards, Wheel Loader, will inevitably affect the production, which is the first in a new era of credibility could not gain a foothold.
Chinese government departments have promulgated regulations expressly prohibit traditional clay brick 170 major cities in the country to use, and as early as 2004 years ago in the national capital city Disable All clay bricks, and increase efforts to support the production of new wall enterprises. Unburned and new compared to traditional brick in compressive strength, stiffness, energy saving aspects of the wide gap, concrete block making machine in appearance and practicality advantages, unlike the red brick walls, like when need to soak, uniform. Thus, the production of unburned Mianshaozhuanji already widely across the country to replace the traditional clay bricks, creating a new type of hollow brick renewal and a new revolution in the market.

automatic hydraulic molding machine molding process characteristics

Main aspects molding process has the following characteristics:
(1)Concrete mixing plant pressurized suppression system, that each press-forming process, the pressure of the pre-molding pressure, pressure in three stages; molding pressure is high, pressing for a long time, is conducive to discharge the blank in the air, reducing the expansion of air caused by the rebound, thereby increasing the density and strength of the brick, is conducive to heat, to form the hydration products beneficial to steel cement silo,significantly improve the quality of the finished product.
(2) suppression of the cylinder with linear displacement sensors, PLC in progress by pressing process of the product size for precise control.
(3) replacement of the mold by a robotic manipulation, fast and convenient, by changing different molds can produce standard bricks, hollow bricks, small block, pavers and other products with different specifications.

Automatic hydraulic fly ash brick machine

Fly ash brick making machine automatic hydraulic hydraulic sand lime brick brick in the German machine technology, based on many years in accordance with its own strength and autoclaved fly ash brick forming mechanism of the research results, product structure and layout, pressure, Concrete mixer  feeding height and Exhaust and other aspects have been improved, in the design of today's most advanced hydraulic and electrical control mode control theory, the choice of renowned German production of PLC, concrete mixing machine, hydraulic pumps, valve blocks and sensors and other components, so that the brick-making machine performance greatly improved.

raw unburned liquid PRESS increasing demand

Brick reality are: block machine, brick machine, hydraulic press and so on. Brick machine now more varieties, mainly divided into rotary machine, vacuum extruder and automatic hydraulic molding machine.
Cement silo hydraulic machine because high degree of automation, molding pressure, the products of good quality, large output. Mainly on the market today use and promotion models.
Fly ash brick making machine automatic hydraulic hydraulic sand lime brick brick in the German machine technology, based on many years in accordance with its own strength and autoclaved fly ash brick forming mechanism of the research results, product structure and layout, pressure, concrete block machine , feeding height and Exhaust and other aspects have been improved, in the design of today's most advanced hydraulic and electrical control mode control theory, the choice of renowned German production of PLC, touch screen, hydraulic pumps, valve blocks and sensors and other components, so that the brick-making machine performance greatly improved.

Hydraulic brick making machine production system

As technology continues to improve and depth conversion. Bolted Type Cement Silo machine in the introduction of machinery from abroad on the basis of the wall, resulting in a new type of automatic maintenance production line, is currently the highest degree of automation hydraulic brick making machine production systems. Hydraulic brick machine's debut also contributed to the development of the whole industry.
As traditional fired brick not only undermine the integrity of our land and resources, and to the atmosphere after combustion caused serious pollution, the state has banned sintered bricks, hydraulic brick machine as a new green building materials instead of clay grand debut, concrete batching plant have joined the ranks of environmental protection, making the industry more healthy development, and jointly to pay attention to our homes, from the development of low-carbon environmental protection equipment began to build green homes.

hydraulic brick making machine with the current domestic and foreign similar characteristics

Hydraulic brick making machine with the current domestic and foreign similar characteristics and needs of the market design and manufacture of the new brick making equipment. 1980s, Asphalt Mixing Plant extrusion eight holes, creating a precedent for hydraulic brick machine; but its rotating disk, you can only push a brick, low output can not meet the general Brickyard production requirements. Special hydraulic brick machine has been on the road in the development of innovative Yuecuoyueyong the past few years with the national policy of deepening brick, hydraulic brick making machines such as steam ahead rapid development momentum, the country brightest manufacturers have to intervene in this new IDM. As technology continues to improve and depth conversion. Hydraulic brick making machine in the introduction of concrete mixing machine abroad on the basis of the wall, resulting in a new type of automatic maintenance production line, is currently the highest degree of automation hydraulic brick making machine production systems. Hydraulic brick machine's debut also contributed to the development of the whole industry.

Screw conveyor body generally

Screw conveyors are generally body material inlet and outlet and the drive unit has three major components; screw conveyor Have a physical spiral screw blade surface with spiral blade helicoid surface and the three forms, which spiral vane
Rotary surface application is relatively small, mainly used for transporting material viscosity and compressibility, this snail hanging face, Screw Conveyor he process of transfer operations, both of materials and finish stirring, mixing and other functions.
Screw conveyor and other concrete block making machine,  compared with a whole section of small size, good sealing performance, smooth running Reliable, multi-center loading and unloading and safe operation, easy maintenance and so on.

Transmission lines need to press any layout space curve

The end portion of the material added to the feed inlet, a particle size of not more than 1/4 the screw diameter; from the middle of the inlet feed material, the particle size must not exceed 30 mm. Bolted Type Cement Silo the cylinder does not produce distortion, feed temperature must be controlled below 300 ℃. Aircraft transporting abrasive materials when large leaves and chute wear is extremely serious. The screw conveyor is designed mainly used with its abrasive silica transport so not suitable for a large spiral conveyor.
The aircraft spiral mandrel is flexible, so the transmission lines can be arranged according to need to press cement mixing machine. According to the arrangement of horizontal and vertical lines (large angle) length of the segment in different proportions, it works as normal or vertical screw conveyor screw conveyor design.

Conveying mixing various process

Spiral conveyor is welded in the cylindrical enclosure has a continuous helical blade, the chassis is rotated together with the helical blade. Added material due to centrifugal force and the friction force and is rotated together with the random shell increased, the force of gravity of the material under the surface and down along the spiral, spiral rotating together with the material in order to achieve the forward movement of the material, Wheel Loader rotate along the rotation of the screw nut for translational motion as to achieve the purpose of transportation of materials.
The machine low energy consumption, low maintenance costs; at the end of the feed, they can adapt to uneven feeding requirements, can be transported simultaneously mixing a variety of process requirements, the material does not produce too much into jamming; concrete batching plant of loading and unloading, can transport high temperature materials. Suitable for horizontal conveying high temperature materials; right temperature, feeding is uneven, there are anti-crushing requirements, pollution prevention requirements of the material and the need to add multi-point discharge process has better adaptability. Practice has proved that, in the transportation of cement clinker, dry limestone, phosphate rock, ilmenite powder, when coal and slag and other materials to good effect.

Spiral conveyors are of the cylindrical casing

When the material added to the fixed slot machines, due to the gravity of the material and its role in the friction between the bays, the accumulation of material in the lower slot machine does not rotate with the spirochete, but only on a rotating helical blade driven to move forward, as Turn the nut does not rotate along the translational motion of the screw for the same, to achieve the purpose of transportation of materials. Screw Conveyor loading and unloading easy multi-point, the transportation process can be completed simultaneously mixing, stirring or cooling. Of overloading sensitive, easy to plug; crushing loss of material there, horizontal screw conveyor is simple in structure, easy installation and maintenance, and troubleshooting. For horizontal or slightly inclined (20 o less) continuous and concrete block making machine loose materials, the working environment temperature -20 - +40 ℃, conveying material temperature -20 - +80 ℃. Its speed is low relative to the vertical conveying confidential, mainly for horizontal or little inclination transportation of materials, transport distance is generally not more than 70 meters.

Screw conveyor for the passage of materials

Rotating spiral blade for screw conveyor passage of the material transported, so that the material does not rotate together with the concrete mixing machine blade force is the material of its own weight and the frictional resistance of the material conveyor chassis. Rotating shaft screw conveyor spiral welded blades, blade face delivery of materials based on a solid surface different type, belt type face, leaves and other types of face.with the ratio, Wheel Loader and use of electronic weighing system, to further improve the accuracy of weighing. Our batching machine top panel can be lowered or removed on demand, can greatly reduce the labor intensity of the feeding section, increasing the ease of construction and is ideal for all types of mixer batching

Selected on the basis of concrete mixers reference

1, production scale, based on the number and the choice of annual concrete mixer device. 2, to produce high-quality concrete, it is necessary to choose a reliable production equipment. 3, according to the construction site to determine the size of concrete mixing equipment production capacity. 4, mainly from the advanced equipment, reliability, quality and versatility aspects to consider. 5, compulsory mixer mixing quality, Cement silo capacity, discharge without segregation, high production efficiency, able to adapt to a variety of performance concrete mixing, concrete mixing equipment currently widely used compulsory mixer 6, 7 cost performance, concrete block making machine the pursuit of equipment technical performance is unwise, unnecessary investment will increase, but only the pursuit of low investment in equipment technical performance and reduce the cost increase will bring such practices is not desirable.

With a good concrete dry material discharged into the mixer

Press the ingredients button, batching machine began to enter the automatic batching process. It works as follows: First, start working material Ⅰ belt conveyor will feed Wheel Loader to said hopper, said hopper feed Ⅰ when the weight reaches its set value, the material Ⅰ belt conveyor automatically stops; then open automatically feed Ⅱ belt conveyor When the weight of said material in the hopper reaches material Ⅰ, Ⅱ settings of materials and time, material Ⅱ belt conveyor stops feeding belt conveyor Ⅲ start work ...... so complete with four kinds of materials, the machine will be in a wait state . Then press the discharge button, discharging belt conveyor work, with a good concrete dry material discharged into the mixer hopper. steel cement silo the discharge belt conveyor automatically stops and automatically start the second cycle ingredients, the end of the second cycle ingredients, and wait for the material, and so forth.


Concrete block machine patented vibration system integration, multi-point

Concrete mixing plant machine domestic and international synchronized exclusive use of the latest technology in Germany: (integrated multi-point patented vibration system), electro-hydraulic technology-driven, multi-source vibration system, computer controlled hydraulic drive generating vertical synchronous vibration, frequency adjustable rate, low frequency feeding, high frequency molding works, get a good raw material for different tap effects, vibration acceleration up to 17.5 G.. Advanced design technology concepts, excellent imported components integrated into a leading high-quality vibration system.
Concrete block making machine is specialized in the production of concrete products, brick molding equipment, steel cement silo output size selection of different types of block making machine, according to the scale of investment choice Simple, optimized, selected type, semi-automatic configuration, automatic configuration, etc. block forming mechanism brick production line.

Concrete block machine control electrical appliances

 Concrete block making machine control interface, control electrical appliances are used in Germany Siemens, Fujitsu, Bolted Type Cement Silo,  display imported by Taiwan, Japan, Omron and other brands, integrated control program 20 years of actual production experience, combined with the international development trend research and development to meet the conditions written in the design, implementation no professional, simply training to operate, powerful memory can be upgraded equipment needs.forming rack: concrete block machine machine with high-strength steel and special welding process, is extremely strong.
guide column: The super-special steel, hard chrome plated with good torsional and Wear.the mold cavity and the pressure head: hydraulic synchronous drive, uniform height error rarely pallet products, product consistency.

Block molding machine according to production needs programming

Block making machine with mechanical, electrical, hydraulic integration technology, the device Each cycle of operation of the same, thus forming high output stability, scrap Products is low. Cement silo machine of a machine, through the replacement of mold can produce different regulatory Grid of bricks, hollow blocks, curbs, concrete batching plant and tree planting grass brick, lattice Brick and other cement products. According to production needs programming, implementation manual, semi-automatic Move, such as automatic movement running.

Block brick in the latest models

Block making machine with three bars upper and lower pressure molding, molding can immediately Stacking, without a care brick panels, brick masonry is currently the latest models. block molding machine produced by standard brick low-cost, highly profitable. Screw Conveyor costs Into account the cost of each standard bricks 9 cents, the market price 2-3 times here. concrete mixing machine body using high-precision, high strength castings and special welding technology And materials, steel, good resistance to vibration, long life.

Block machine equipment troubleshooting

Regular checks and periodic tightening fittings to prevent loosening leaking.
Operators are not allowed to replace them privately for the hydraulic components when a fault occurs, should be set Prepare timely service technician to repair the equipment troubleshooting.Concrete Mixing Truck, compared with the traditional clay brick machine, industrial waste materials can be used:
Coal ash, coal gangue, slag, steel cement silo and various tailings primary raw materials, and more Environmentally friendly, more energy, waste recycling.

When the hydraulic system fails

When the hydraulic system failure (for example, does not operate normally, hydraulic instability, hydraulic Too low, the system vibration, temperature rise too fast, etc.), to promptly analyze the reasons for discharge
In addition to failure, allowing the machine to work sick, causing a major accident.Concrete mixer performance of the accumulator, if the inflation pressure is low or capsules found damaged, the Timely manner. Regular checks and periodic tightening fittings to prevent loosening leaking.
Operators are not allowed to replace them privately for the hydraulic components when a fault occurs, should be set Prepare timely cement mixing machine to repair the equipment troubleshooting.

Block molding machine with return oil filter

Block machine back to the oil filter and a separate filter cooling systems, filtration Was 10 microns. Asphalt Mixing Plant the oil, reducing failures, in normal circumstances, each 4 year filtration system filter replacement is necessary, except for the introduction of new filters, without Use the old filter quasi scrub. A filter must be high quality filter, such as micro-fine
Filter element. For low-cost low-quality filter, not only can not act as a filter,Instead or damage presses!concrete batching plant system allows the minimum oil temperature was 25 ℃. Optimal operating temperature of 35℃ -45 ℃, exceed 45 ℃ is detrimental to the system. If the value exceeds the specified response systems Conduct a review Yao, and remove.


Standard block making machine

Concrete mixing plant standard indenter right Block upper surface pressure value should be greater than 0.02Mpa, foreign to the dry concrete mix
And material pressurized value of approximately 0.015 Mpa, too much pressure will prevent concrete mixing Granule material vibration, impact block density results. Pressure values according to the above, concrete mixing machine puzzle Weight block forming machine head pressure produced to meet the requirements, in particular in pressure head Is set on the vibrator, the vibration compacting effect is better than static.

Machine vibration table should also include the quality of

Cement silo the design Machine vibration system and calculation of vibration parameters, select vibration motor power, the Consider the vibration loads including blocks, the quality of the mold box and head for Taiwan vibration
Molding machine vibration table should also include quality, but generally do not impose additional consideration Pressure. So whether hydraulic or mechanical transmission molding machine, concrete batching plant Type mainly by vibration when compacting the material.

Molding machine for hydraulic transmission

This argument is mainly due to the hydraulic molding machine,Vibration molding pressure and block forming the vibration system is not yet understood. Take
U.S. Bessel produced Screw Conveyor,the vibration molding Hydraulic ram cylinder valve has been reduced by approximately 0.5Mpa, cylinder head with pressure As head of the vibration compacting concrete in the mold box and synchronized decline, this time at the cylinder cement mixing machine state at low pressure, it is impossible exert great pressure.

Block concrete mixture aggregate size

From concrete vibration technology perspective, strong Forced vibration frequency as close to the concrete mixture particles is generated when the natural frequency Resonance, Concrete mixing plant the minimum amplitude of up to max. Block concrete mixture Aggregate particle size of 3-10mm desired vibration frequency of 100-125Hz, but for a block Machines are not up to it, the United States is generally 46-47 Hz European high individual molding machine Up to 66-67 Hz. Which could be a vibrating system life, cement mixing machine too high, bearing And other short life, vibration frequency of some significance in theory, but in actual project Point of view, especially for larger power mode vibration machine vibration is of little significance Because the actual vibration molding time is only 1-2 seconds, in such a short period of time to mix Concrete mixes different vibration frequencies applied, compacting effect will not change significantly Technology.

Block making machine with pneumatic drive

Pneumatic drive from the PC program Dynamic and manual control cutting, molding, exporting complete a row, safe and stable, Easy to maintain. Wheel Loader seconds a standard brick 26, the hourly production 3744; every 25 seconds out
Brick 12, the hourly production 1728; every 25 seconds a standard block 4, each small Can produce 576. Core components of precision manufacturing, use of anti-fatigue design, extending the Life of the host. Strong exciting force, under the conditions of the general strength can be compared with the Up to 2.5 ~ 15MPa. Dual-oriented approach and with excellent long guide sleeve,Ensures precise pressure head and die operation, base and key parts of the whole cast,
Frame made of thick steel and special welding concrete batching plant manufacturing. Regulations adopted or die becomes Grid, using time-saving machinery, reasonable design. Compact, safe and reliable,Rational use of a set of transmission, complete a variety of process action to simplify the mechanical structure Build, easy to maintain. Well-made, product quality error is less than 1%, the intensity error 0.5%. Upper and lower pressure, strong vibration, particularly suitable for the production of high strength block, into You can type stacking (3-5 layers).

Block molding machine to make the device more robust channel rack

The machine uses four guide posts, channel rack so that the device is more rugged, die And the pressure head with more accurate positioning, the use of bottom die directional vertical directional vibration and upper mold plus
Pressure vibration, Concrete mixing plant production efficiency, and the production of blocks of uniform density, strong High.
Block molding machine has a wide range of materials for ability, not only for the production of concrete Soil hollow blocks, also suitable for use sand, stone, fly ash, slag, tailings, Coal gangue, perlite, ceramic and other industrial waste processed into a variety of new wall materials Material. Such as hollow cement block, sterile hole brick, standard brick. steel cement silo.  Mobile Hollow block making machine that the product can be sand, stone, fly ash, cinder, coal
Waste rock, tailings, ceramic, perlite and other industrial waste processed into a variety of new wall Material. Such as hollow cement block, blind hole brick, standard brick, etc., without sintering.


Hydraulic components and hydraulic control system

Asphalt Mixing Plant hydraulic pump station, hydraulic components and hydraulic control system And other more complex and usually require professional manufacturers with manufacturing; especially the use of the fuel tank, Fittings, control valves and other hydraulic components of poor quality, the failure rate is high, with Household repairs and maintenance are more troublesome. U.S. Bessel produced SUPERPAC,DY-NAPAC and VIBRAPAC molding machine and other mechanical drive for the cam-type machinery Drive, motor pulley driven through pneumatic clutch and brake, pneumatic clutch brake Is a pulley driven through a cam mechanism to complete molding process, then the action Reliable, only 6-7 seconds molding cycle, high production efficiency, steel cement silo, the device
Durable, but a complex mechanism, the machine weighs 17-32 tons, more expensive.

Backplane transportation and other mechanical transmission device also uses

Block molding machine generally 7-8 months to complete an action molding cycle. From the set Interest perspective, Concrete mixing plant machine easy to implement technological action, and molding Machine moving parts is relatively small, relatively simple structure. So the world Molding Machine Most manufacturing companies are producing hydraulic molding machines. Of course, does not mean that the hydraulic All processes concrete block making machine are forming machine adopts hydraulic transmission, if any molding machine Plus transportation and other bottom floor and also used mechanical transmission devices.

Concrete mixture by vibrations

According concrete mixture by vibrations when a thixotropic phenomenon can be relatively small Pressure to obtain dense short time, so that the required pressure vibration molding block Exert a certain pressure head on the concrete. China Wheel Loader  Machine standard indenter right Block upper surface pressure value should be greater than 0.02Mpa, foreign to the dry concrete mix
And material pressurized value of approximately 0.015 Mpa, too much pressure will prevent concrete mixing Granule material vibration, impact block density results. Pressure values according to the above, cement mixing machine puzzle Weight block forming machine head pressure produced to meet the requirements, in particular in pressure head Is set on the vibrator, the vibration compacting effect is better than static.

If the vibration is applied great pressure molding

If the vibration is applied great pressure molding, equal to a substantial increase in vibration loading, The amplitude will be greatly attenuated the vibration vibration system is not up. Concrete Mixing Truck the design
Machine vibration system and calculation of vibration parameters, select vibration motor power, the Consider the vibration loads including blocks, the quality of the mold box and head for Taiwan vibration Molding machine vibration table should also include quality, but steel cement silo not impose additional consideration Pressure. So whether hydraulic or mechanical transmission molding machine, block into Type mainly by vibration when compacting the material.