
Pipeline roots should be set deadline

Pumping underground structures, the ground should be horizontal tube axis and Y-shaped tube spout perpendicular to the axis. Bolted Type Cement Silo piping should be inclined tube top design exhaust valve; when the height difference is greater than 20m, should be in the lower end of inclined tube consists of five times the height of the horizontal pipe length; such conditions, increase the bend or coil meet five times the height length requirements.
Concrete pipes fixed, may not Wheel Loader supported on steel, formwork and embedded parts, horizontal pipe should be at a certain distance bracket, table mats, spreaders and other fixed, in order to exclude the plugging assembly and disassembly and cleaning pipes; vertical embedded parts suitably fixed to the pipe walls and columns or leave holes at the top floor. In the walls and pillars, each section tube is not less than a fixed point in the hole should be set aside each floor fixed.

