
Sampling and testing of concrete mixing station

In March 15 , the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban from 92 concrete mixing station group detected 165 samples , 16 groups of efficacy fail , fail rate of 9.7% , related to concrete production enterprises 15 .
The overall quality of the concrete in  Bolted Type Cement Silo  , after all , in February announced the above " plan " performance , according to the business research environment , the current Shenzhen ready-mixed concrete strength grade C20 ~ C40 (referring to the compressive strength ) ratio of 60% to 80%, high intensity C40 concrete at about 20 %.
Year after year, the Shenzhen Heng Yu build quality problems and frequent disputes without a break. Excessive exercise chloride ion content of concrete sand as raw materials in Shenzhen repeated. The end of the last century, 80 years of building Louden village welfare housing , and  mobile concrete batching plant  the exercise of the process in less than Ge Hai sand, now demolished and rebuilt the Shenzhen authorities . Because many of the " saltwater sand " that build sand into the market , the relevant part of Shenzhen on the next hair care , requiring enhanced build sand RBI . The past ten years , the inflow of less than Ge Hai still some sand to build the project .


Structures affect the quality of the occurrence of severe

It is reported that the exercise of building sand fail , it will seriously affect the quality of the structure occurs . 14 morning, the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban search that sent two groups , the media reported that two suspected exercise less organized Ge Hai sand mixing station raided , searched the first time the effectiveness of release .Wheel Loader housing part of the organization 60 professional staff , the city hosted mixing station 102 carpet investigation . Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban responding CCTV Financial Channel reported on the subject , said sand floor , after the media reported that the Shenzhen Municipal Housing Bureau immediately adopted six achievements another way :
One morning, immediately sent two search groups , parting of the two media reports alleged exercise less organized Ge Hai sand mixing station raided , searched the first time the effectiveness of release .
Second is to organize the Shenzhen steel cement silo professional testing organization staff , divided into 10 groups to search for the city's 102 mixing station held carpet investigation , search effectiveness will be released to the public in real time .
Third, the raid exercise less Ge Hai invention illegal sand mixing station , will be ordered to immediately stop aging rectify charm and courtesy by the Act deal with severe punishment and reward .


Serious cases of road maintenance

Group of friends heard about shopping group travel group , have not heard of road group  District Urban Management Bureau of Wuhan section there is " way up " QQ group , do not underestimate it, better than the past few days to take the process to solve the problem , and now You can get in a short time . Because of this rapid response mechanism , Wuhan Urban Management Bureau promised general road damage, was found 72 hours after the repair .
Hanyang District Urban Management Asphalt Mixing Plant one there is a " municipal road maintenance " QQ group , the council facilities department clerk gave Wu Kun is one of the main group , but also the general coordinator of the region's roads .
Yesterday 7:00 reporters to join the group , has more than 100 members of the QQ group , all chased leaders, as well as the staff of Hanyang district road maintenance units of various neighborhoods and communities , then this group very quiet and 9:00 over two points, concrete mixing machine appeared a message: " Lanjiang road sidewalk tiles found Alice ," who sent messages is a maintenance team inspectors . After two minutes , the inspector using a mobile phone to upload a photo. Suddenly, the group where gaiety : Facilities Management Bureau member of the family group information included in the day maintenance program , scheduled maintenance team has begun near the maintenance staff . After about 10 minutes of schedule , which is broken at the maintenance plan is included in the action around 11:00 the same day , and the first day found several damaged , according to the serious situation was in the front row .


Efficacy concrete block detection

Mixing station nominally skills , in May 2010 , they have always mixing station nearly six months to the construction side of the Palazzo Vecchio Triangle affordable housing delivery concrete , concrete block efficacy detect how many groups do not pass the Concrete Mixing Truck Construction Commission relating to this end cover half of the floor portion of the organized search, concrete strength invention has been used to cover the floors of non-compliance . He and Wang Guodong Daxing Palazzo Vecchio triangle to the construction site , with a measuring instrument to detect it, the invention of concrete strength before reaching the 50% or 60% of the scale . Why do you cement mixing machine  oncrete strength so much ? How the ratio , in order to control costs, the ratio of raw materials secretly changed , to put some more homemade ingredients , put some less expensive .


Stabilized Soil Base

Refers to the use of lime , cement, fly ash and other materials in conjunction with soil, gravel or other aggregate, Concrete mixing plant, paving, compaction from the road base .
Lime stabilized soil will be mixed with lime powder or lime powder crushed or original people of various loose soil, after mixing , compaction and curing the resulting mixture, known as lime stabilized soil . It includes limestone soil, gravel and lime stabilized soil, concrete block making machine  Lime stabilized soil with a certain strength and water resistance . Widely used as a basis for building and road pavement ground cushion grassroots .